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Holy Ka-moley! A new website?

July 3, 2011

Yes, it’s that time again… and by “again” I mean “for the first time, finally”.

One major hurdle to getting this thing back off the ground was moving away from my longtime host, KeenSpace ComicGenesis. This weekend I sat down and hammered out a large number of the difficulties in doing just that, and so here we are.

I’m still working out some details. Many of the non-comic pages have yet to make the transition, and even some of the comics themselves are missing. Also gone are the Forums and Wiki, since those were tied to the old host. Possible replacements are in the pipeline.

And I have a whole new domain name. A relevant one, even! That’s right, from now on, you can find this very comic right here at www.uponatable.com. Or once.uponatable.com. Or comic.uponatable.com. Okay, so I haven’t yet settled on what to use as the canonical domain. Sorry.

So… how long until there’s something new to actually look at on this site? That’s what’s known as a good question. I have at least as many problems to work though in the actual comic creation process, and all my attempts to address those have simply left me with more questions.

But I’m working on it.

In the meantime, I’m still ignoring the Google Group I created to make announcements about my return.  Find it in the sidebar if you’re interested. Eventually, I’ll crank that thing up, and probably end up getting complaints from people that I’m spamming them by sending them an announcement email they asked for. That’s just how the internet works.

To those of you still checking your bookmarks every so often hoping to see this corpse start breathing… enjoy the change in scenery.

Attention Whoring!
Google Group!

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