728x90 leaderboard

High Performance Standards

This comic took exactly as long to create as it looks like it did.

Also, the Google+ gag was way funnier in my head when I thought the comic was going to be next to the side column down here.


How have you been? Global pandemic you say? Supply chain problems and political unrest?

Well, forget all that. Here’s your on-average-once-per-year comic update! Now everything’s just peachy.

Some day soon I’ll sweep the cobwebs off of this site, I swear. Not do much more with it, mind you, but I dislike me some cobwebs.

In order to get this comic to even publish I had to manually serialize an array of strings. Do you know how hard that is? Me neither, I just used some other website. But it sounds difficult, so I revel in it.

...And now a word from our author.

Comic Resurrection Status

June 22, 2015

Status: Still Dead.

Updating, but dead.

So… kinda like the first stirrings of old bones in that one tomb on the far side of town that no one pays any attention to any more but that one creepy guy went into weeks ago and was never seen again.

Like that. But with jokes.

Attention Whoring!
Google Group!

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Once Upon a Table is © 2002-2025 by Mark Evan Jones