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Departure And Revelation

What, Monday Again!???

Late rant update today. I decided last night that I was suddenly very tired and that the best way to alleviate this problem would be to go to bed. And so I did. But that’s okay because none of you care about what I say here, anyway.

This story brought to you my the Obvious Story Department, obviously.

Here’s something you might care about. Christian over at Nobody Loves The Whiner has a piece up today that you may be interested in seeing. It must be interesting if I provided two whole links to it, mustn’t it?

UPDATE (August 2003)
Well, Nobody Loves The Whiner has been defunct for many months now, and the piece I was referring to is no longer available there. But do not despair! I am finally getting around to doiung something about that! May I now present… my piece. Er. That sounded bad, didn’t it?

Ummm. Er. Yeah. That’s it, I guess. You can wander off now. I certainly am about to.


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